must eat my dinner.
island’s mine, by Sycorax my mother,
thou takest from me. When thou camest
strokedst me and madest much of me,
give me
with berries in’t, and teach me how
name the bigger light, and how the less,
burn by day and night: and then I loved
show’d thee all the qualities o’ the isle,
Fresh springs, brine-pits, barren place and
be I that did so! All the charms
Sycorax, toads, beetles, bats, light on you!
I am all the subjects that you have,
first was mine own king: and here you
this hard rock, whiles you do keep from me
rest o’ the island
Let me eat. My mother Sycorax owned this island, and I thus inherited it. You
have stolen it from me. When you arrived, you behaved like a friend, treated me
well, and taught me to understand the sky. I loved you, and showed you every
inch of this island, all its secrets. It was a mistake! I am your only servant
now, you who was my first king. If only the spells of Sycorax, of toads,
beetles, and bats could plague you! Now you keep me stored in confinement, and
keep my rightful island from me.
This passage gives an introduction to the character of Caliban within The Tempest. It is a first glance at
Caliban’s history, personality, and motives. As is described within the
passage, Prospero assumed control of the island when he landed upon it.
However, Caliban had already been present on the island as an offspring of the
witch Sycorax. Caliban, under his conditions, believed himself to be rightful
heir and ruler of the land. Thus when Prospero began to exercise his own
authority, Caliban grew enraged and offended at having lost his property and
gained a sort of subjugation.
Caliban believes that he was deceived by Prospero, who
had lured Caliban into a false sense of security with kindness, friendship, and
a fatherly education. When Prospero treated the island as his own, Caliban
viewed all their previous interactions together as false and foolish, and
became indignant to Prospero’s presence. At this point it can be inferred that
Prospero had to treat Caliban more sternly, almost to a point of servitude, so
as to maintain peace and stability and avoid violent conflict. Part of this may
be derived from Prospero’s desire to protect his daughter, Miranda.
The treatment as a servant is another blow to Caliban’s
pride. Beyond being stolen from, he is now a subject. It is difficult to
discern who is truly right and just in the matter. A sort of pity may be felt
towards Caliban, whose plight of loss and subjugation is not without merit. Of
course, the situation may be skewed in his eyes. Prospero might have treated
the island as under no single rule, but with a shared inhabitance, until Caliban
blew the situation into conflict that could have been avoided. The introduction
definitely serves to display the strenuous relationship between the two
characters, and could foreshadow future events or clashing between them.
Great summary and analysis. Of course you were proved right about the foreshadowing aspect, though I do feel that the conflict between Caliban and Prospero ends a bit anti-climactically.